Colin Farell aide un sans abri

Publié le 14 Septembre 2007


farrell-venice-dream.jpgSous ses airs de bad boy, se cache un garçon au cœur tendre... et généreux. Mardi dernier, à Toronto (où il est venu défendre son dernier film, Le rêve de Cassandre ), Colin Farrell a convié un sans-abri surnomté son Stress, à une séance de shopping.

 Selon la presse locale, l'acteur irlandais l'a amené dans un grand magasin de la ville et a demandé aux vendeurs de céder à toutes ses exigences. Une veste, des sous-vêtements, des bottes, un sac de couchage : 1.500 € que Colin a déboursés le sourire aux lèvres.

Et à peine sorti des lieux, il s'est rendu à un distributeur et lui a pris une liasse de billets de 20 dollars!


Thanks to a sudden and kind gesture from Hollywood hearthrob Colin Farrell, a Toronto homeless man was treated to a superstar caliber shopping spree this week.

The hunky Irish actor was in town to promote his Woody Allen-directed drama, ‘Cassandra’s Dream’, when he ran into a homeless man — known to locals as Stress — whom he became friends with while filming in the city many years ago.

Colin proceeded to whisk his old friend to a downtown camping store where the movie star purchased a host of items for him, including new clothes, a backpack and a sleeping bag.

The kindness didn’t end there. The Toronto Sun reports that Colin also stopped at an ATM to withdraw money (to the sum of $830), which he gave to the homeless man so that he could use it to rent a place to live.

With such a thoughtful and generous heart, it’s almost impossible not to forgive Colin for remaking ‘Miami Vice.’ Keep up the good work, stud!

Rédigé par Carospears

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